40 Broad Street
This tiny urban plaza and arcade are located at the back of 40 Broad Street, on New Street south of Exchange Place. In the face of New Street, which effectively functions as a truck service alley and loading dock for building deliveries, this urban plaza has demonstrated how much can be done through clever design. The strategic placement of planters and attached wooden benches has created several highly usable hidden areas where individuals, alone or in groups of two or three, can momentarily escape the rest of the city.

At a recent site visit, however, the benches and planters were absent, and the space had become an empty strip fronting the red-columned arcade, no better than the street that it had so effectively countered. No record of City approval that would permit the removal of required amenities or changes to the design of the space has been located.
This space was rebuilt, on account of a lawsuit brought by the City, brought about my Kayden’s observations. While the space was cited for dead trees in 2005, by the time I observed it not 6 years later, the building had again razed the site. Further, cars are now using the space as a parking lot by driving over the sidewalk, of which I have picture proof.