45 Broadway

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The building has an arcade on Broadway and a shopping arcade along Trinity Place, midway between Exchange Alley and Morris Street. The Broadway arcade has a cluster of planters with trees at its south and north ends.

Inside the shopping arcade is an entrance to the building and escalators that carry pedestrians to an upper level. Like some of the escalators at neighboring 55 Broadway, however, the escalators here are a leftover amenity from provisions of the recently repealed Special Greenwich Street Development District. They connected the street and shopping arcade to a required “elevated shopping way,” located directly above the shopping arcade, that could link up north with an elevated shopping way at 55 Broadway and west to an “enclosed pedestrian bridge” spanning Trinity Place. Together, the shopping arcade and elevated shopping way were called a “shopping way.” When it become clear that the enclosed pedestrian bridge was never going to be built, then much of the rationale for the elevated shopping way at 55 Broadway evaporated, and the same thinking led the City to rescind the requirement for the elevated shopping way here. Instead, the owner is allowed to use the space for retail activities. At a recent site visit, the street-level shopping arcade had tables and chairs for an adjacent restaurant. No record of City approval for such use has been found.

Although visually inviting, the elegant interior atrium space between the shopping arcade and arcade is not public space.


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