123 Washington Street

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3 User Submissions

  1. submitted by: Beth Stuben

    Combined with the downslope on adjacent Carlisle Street and the patio at the back of the W Hotel, this plaza has become appealing to skateboarders who damage the stairs and vandalize the benches by riding their boards over the tops. The Hotel Security makes no effort to discourage the activity, even when asked by neighbors in the dozens of apartments overlooking the plaza. Given the proximity to the WTC, there is a continuous police presence in the area but cop cars have been seen driving past without stopping when the skateboarders are on the plaza. 311 operators aren’t able to locate Carlisle Street(!) and so won’t log the complaint. An email to District 1 city council member Margaret Chan went unanswered. It’s a shame to see the investment in the space squandered as the boarders do their damage unchallenged.

  2. submitted by: Rosemary O'Brien

    Can you email me any information you have about Gwathmey Plaza? I see it’s new and might be considered 37A in Jerrold Kayden’s book, but it’s too new to have any info on it. If you could answer this email and direct me to info asap, I’d appreciate it.

    Rosemary O’Brien
    Author BEST Pocket Parks of NYC

  3. submitted by: A

    Hotel sometimes closes this spaces for private, hotel events. Legal?