135 West 52nd Street
Unenclosed at both ends, this skylit, glass-covered through block galleria connecting West 52nd and 53rd Streets is the second link in the six-block chain of through block privately owned public spaces running from West 51st to 57th Streets between Sixth and Seventh Avenues. Unlike legally defined through block connection spaces that are effectively required to be provided by the developer to satisfy its pedestrian circulation space requirements without a zoning bonus, and are expressly designed to serve the singular purpose of circulation, through block gallerias are provided in exchange for a floor area bonus and have supplemental callings, including, for example, the furnishing of public seating.
At recent site visits, the space has fallen short on both callings. The seating provided, including a wooden bench near the West 52nd Street entrance, appears to be less than the 185.75 linear feet required. During the specified hours of access, the gates were locked. No record of City approval for these variations has been found. At least the eastern wall is leavened with several small recessed areas filled with shrubs.
The five other spaces in the six-block alternative pedestrian network include the through block galleria at PaineWebber to the south, and the through block galleria at 1325 Avenue of the Americas, the through block connection at Rihga Royal Hotel, the through block connection at CitySpire, and the through block connection at Metropolitan Tower.
This space has been closed for construction in the building for well over a year. When construction gates are open, you can see that the vast majority of the space is not being used for construction purposes.
The space is still closed but looks complete to me. Benches and friendlier atmosphere make it look more inviting than pictured above.
The POPS at 135 W 52nd has been closed to the public for a year since the construction was completed.
Posted hours are longer than MAS requirement. No planting beds. Plenty of seating both fixed wooden benches iN good condition and neatly arranged metal chairs/tables. Water fountain not functional. Recessed cavities along east side of through block connection remain restricted from public access by means of caution tape. Appears to have lattice wall for vines. Remains unused, evidently there is a security concern with the cavernous space which is difficult to monitor. 2 litter receptacles on site
The recessed cavities on the east side are now accessible and are well lit at night