1548 Broadway
This indoor through block connection is a straight, modest corridor through the building linking West 45th and 46th Streets 100 feet east of Broadway. Circulation is its sole purpose, even if its close proximity to Broadway makes it relatively unutilized during much of the day. From West 45th Street, the space is entered under the west bay of a silvery three-bay outdoor covered space. The host building’s lobby is to the east, functionally divorced from the through block connection although accessible to and from it. The corridor continues north, past the entrance to a record store and several glass display cases principally advertising the building along the western wall. A small part of the corridor on West 46th Street is covered but outdoors. Meandering pedestrians may choose to continue a mid-block covered journey, using the through block connection at United States Trust and the through block arcade at 1211 Sixth Avenue, as long as they are willing to swerve substantially toward Sixth Avenue. The space also links up with the through block connection at the Millennium Broadway one block south.