325 Fifth Avenue

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33 User Submissions

    • submitted by: Peter

      This space has been closed for literally years and it’s clearly their intention never to see it open to the public again. Infuriating.

  1. submitted by: nanya

    Three years since my last comment. The space is still closed.

  2. submitted by: Bill H

    The POPS at 325 5th Avenue (actually on 33rd between 5th Ave. & Madison Ave.) would be a great public space, if it was actually open or even intended to be open. As the comments from 2012 and 2015 indicate and my recent site visit in September 2017 confirmed, the space is closed off and the space is used as construction storage for construction work that does not seem to be happening anywhere nearby.

    If open, the various seating options – including high-top bar-style tables – would be great for mid-day office lunches or evening relaxation, but unfortunately it is now used for construction material storage and motorcycle parking.

  3. submitted by: Bill H

    Construction materials storage and seating/chairs

  4. submitted by: Bill H

    Locked gate/fence and movable chairs that are intended to rotate around the table

  5. submitted by: Bill H

    Entire frontage on 33rd Street, looking southeast

  6. submitted by: Bill H

    33rd Street frontage, looking south. The POPS space supposedly extends further south towards 32nd Street, but the view (and space) is blocked by the inaccessible frontage and the scaffolding and construction materials.

  7. submitted by: Bill H

    33rd Street frontage, looking southwest. The mural would be better appreciated if the public could approach and view it in an off-sidewalk environment that is more relaxing.

  8. submitted by: nanya

    Still closed. 311 service request 1-1-1613617321

    • submitted by: nanya

      And the 311 service request was closed. “The Department of Buildings investigated this complaint and determined that no further action was necessary.”

  9. submitted by: Jon

    This POPS has been closed for over a year. It is used for construction materials storage.

    • submitted by: Jerold Kayden

      A new complaint has been filed through 311. We will follow up. Thanks. APOPS|MAS

  10. submitted by: Rachel

    This place remains closed, as it has been for many years now, it’s being used currently to store construction materials. Please tell me the NYC comptroller or someone is fining the owners heavily for every month it remains closed… Does anyone know?

    • submitted by: Jerold Kayden

      Dear Rachel, I wish we could tell you that this is being resolved, but it does not appear to be the case. There have been numerous complaints about closure of this POPS at least since 2008. According to Department of Buildings records, the owners have been fined twice. The first violation resulted in a $4,000 fine, the second $10,000. The most recent 311 complaint occurred in May, 2019. It is very frustrating, indeed, as this space has been mostly if not entirely unusable for over a decade while the building owners have benefited from close to 50,000 sf of bonus floor area. Bandwidth permitting, we will do more to see how this situation can be addressed. Thanks for you comment. APOPS|MAS

  11. submitted by: Karen Wright

    Dear Jerold Kayden, how can they get away with having a POPS closed for over 10 years? How can we move the complaints up to a higher level to get this POPS open?
    Please let us know. Thanks, Karen

  12. submitted by: Keegan

    Terrible! Been closer for years with a never ending construction project. Now being treated as a junk yard

  13. submitted by: Keegan

    Is a junk yard.
    No progress for months. After years of construction that impacted neighbors

  14. submitted by: Keegan

    seems like the building permits are passed but the space remains closed

    • submitted by: Jerold Kayden

      Dear Keegan, We have filed a complaint with the Department of Buildings. We expect that an inspection will happen and, hopefully, this POPS will return to public use. Thanks for letting us know. We know how frustrating it is.

      • submitted by: Jerold Kayden

        In response to the APOPS|MAS complaint, the New York City Department of Buildings inspected the space, found it closed, and issued a violation on December 4, 2020. Let’s see what happens.

  15. submitted by: Jerold Kayden

    Dear Keegan, As you can see, an inspection was made on 9.16.20 in response to a 311 complaint filed on 7.15.20. The inspector noted that the building has a permit for facade repair that would expire on 10.22.20 and thus found no violation at the time of inspection.

    The inspector also noted that the building was in the process of removing all construction materials. To be sure the history of this POPS is hardly reassuring. We will attempt to check in after October 22 but would not be surprised, sadly, if nothing has changed. We will also contact the Buildings Department for further action. Thanks for your comment. http://a810-bisweb.nyc.gov/bisweb/OverviewForComplaintServlet?requestid=2&vlcompdetlkey=0002577288

  16. submitted by: Matthew Ostman

    Permit referenced in previous 311 complaint has since expired, and construction scaffolding and materials (with the exception of about a dozen planks of wood on one bench) have been removed, however the space is still closed off to the public via locked rolling fence, and required POPS signs are missing (or at least not visible from the street).

  17. submitted by: Vanessa

    The Public Plaza at 325 Fifth Ave is never ever open. And now, as many officer workers are returning to midtown and public space to eat lunch outdoors is at a premium, this plaza being open to the public is more important than ever. Please remove the locked rolling gates so that the public can access this space.

    • submitted by: Jerold Kayden

      Dear Vanessa, This is truly appalling. The owner is a serial violator. Happily, the Department of Buildings inspected the space on May 27, 2021 and found it in violation. A hearing before the DOB Environmental Control Board is scheduled for September 16, 2021. We will keep our eyes open on this space. Here is info on the violation.


      Please comment on any changes to the space.

  18. submitted by: Molly

    This site is never open. In 2020 it was built up as a nice looking outdoor seating area (still visible on Google street view) but the gate was never unlocked. The site is still completely blocked off by a locked chainlink fence but is now demolished.

  19. submitted by: Joseph Lengeling Architect

    425 Fifth Avenue.
    The management has been unsuccessful or negligent in protecting this space from an unhoused couple sleeping there, taking drugs, and littering ever day.

  20. submitted by: Lengeling Joseph

    The management of 325 Fifth Avenue has permitted this couple unfettered access every day to sleep, litter, administer drugs and store their growing collection of items now for over two months. I spoke with the staff and the disavow any authority to make them move. NYC badly needs a POPS force to monitor these valuable public amenities. OR the property should be forced to close off the amount of bonus real estate they gained.