825 Third Avenue
This concrete plaza is extra sidewalk around the office building on the east side of Third Avenue and the north side of East 50th Street. At a recent site visit, café tables and chairs were set up in the space in front of the restaurant on East 50th Street. No record of City approval for such use has been found.
This is an ON-GOING issue. a look using Google Street View shows the placement of tables and limiting access behind a barrier on every view going back to 2007. There are more than 10 individual views shown. see: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.755693,-73.9703988,3a,75y,31.15h,88.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssk9w3CbDAUNLQWaa8kuRBQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664!6m1!1e1
The offending restaurant and all other retail in the building have closed down as of May 2019. I believe the entire building is now vacant.
Thank you for the information. APOPS|MAS