300 East 74th Street
The most intriguing aspect of the plaza located on the north side of East 73rd Street east of Second Avenue is its hours. A sign in front of the fenced, deep, rectangular space announces hours of 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. No record of City approval for restricted hours has been found. Furthermore, at a recent site visit, the gates were locked during the very hours specified by the sign, and the sparse landscaping and half-filled garbage bags behind the gates were hardly inviting in any event.
The remainder of space closer to the host residential building to the north exhibits the two most common “as-of-right” plaza uses at residential buildings: a semicircular drop-off driveway with porte cochere next to the southeast corner of Second Avenue and East 74th Street, and extra sidewalk in front of the commercial frontage bump-out along Second Avenue. The corner is marked with a round planter and sittable ledge, while five more planters marching down Second Avenue have ledges rendered unusable by tiny rail fences. A lone bench is on the sidewalk side of the third planter.
Recently posted plaques which read “No Trespassing – Violators will be Prosecuted” have been affixed to the brickwork around the 73rd street entrance/gate. They are visible in the latest Google Streetview imagery as well.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for your comment. If you feel this location is violating rules you can file a complaint through New York City’s 311 portal.
It has not been open in days and many women with strollers and elderly people are wanting to visit.