201 East 87th Street
This through-block park connecting East 87th and 88th Streets is located 200 feet east of Third Avenue, in front of the entrance to the building. The space is called a park because the owner received a variance from the Board of Standards and Appeals and committed itself to constructing a space meeting requirements higher than those demanded under the 1961 Zoning Resolution’s “as-of-right” plaza provisions.
The park is divided into three areas. Up five steps from East 87th Street is an open area with surrounding brick and stone ledge seating that presents metal spikes on some, but not all, seating surfaces. The flagstone-paved middle terrace up another four steps features a large L-shaped pool to the east. It is here that several subtle design gestures, such as the elevated flagstone terrace and the rusticated stone sides of seating ledges, momentarily recall qualities associated with older park designs. The facades of the low-rise buildings south across East 87th Street transport the park user to an older city, if only for a moment. The park space near East 88th Street is surrounded by more ledge seating. Landscaping has been taken seriously here; in the past name tags have identified the trees. Next to the residential building is a partly covered through-block driveway that qualifies at its street entrances as plaza.