330 East 75th Street
Although the Saratoga is legally obligated to provide a residential plaza at the southwest corner of East 75th Street and First Avenue, and although the physical space is there, virtually all of the required amenities, including seating, drinking fountain, and plaque in the primary space have been absent at several recent site visits. The space resembles the plain “as-of-right” plaza as defined by the 1961 Zoning Resolution, but no record of City approval has been located to support this regression.
The under-maintained rough concrete surface is interrupted by two large temporary plywood boxes at north and south sides of the area along First Avenue that serve no public space purpose. Various discordant awnings overhang the retail frontage. The usable residual space along East 75th Street has planters with high brick ledges sittable for a tall person. The only interesting element, a distinctive clock face at the southwest corner, did not keep the correct time at a recent site visit.